It's important to ensure that, on your death, your estate is wound up according to your wishes. If you die without a Will (intestate) your estate is wound up according to prescribed rules which could result in distress and troublesome consequences to those left behind.
Main points to consider when making your Will are:
Choose an Executor
Name your beneficiaries
List your assets
Minor children and guardians
Inheritance tax
Your Executor is the person you nominate in your Will to be responsible for handling your estate and carrying out your wishes in terms of the Will. The Executor's duties include:
Collecting and dealing with the assets of your estate;
Using funds in your estate to pay funeral expenses, debts, any inheritance tax, etc.
Distributing the balance of your estate according to the wishes contained in your Will.
Mactaggart & Co offer a FREE WILL service for all but the most complex of cases. It costs you nothing.
Call our reception on 01475 674646 for an informal chat on how to create your own Will.
Click here to contact us for more information.